Wednesday, November 14, 2012

LinkedIn Profile Pages Get a Facelift to Support Better Networking and Engagement!

LinkedIn has a healthy membership of 175 million or so members and to ensure they can connect and network better, the social network has redesigned its profile pages. These pages will ensure that networking and connecting will be made smoother for all on the network including the 175,000 new user profiles being created every day. Profile pages are central to the social network’s functioning as they form the basis of people’s decision to make connect or move on.

What are the features of the new profile?

LinkedIn has introduced changes to the profile page in continuation with the recent changes it brought on in its homepage, endorsements, notifications and more. The new profile page aims to help users highlight their professional experiences in a better manner. Now users can use the inline editing feature and can update their profiles in an easy and highly convenient manner. Another benefit of the new Profile is that it will project relevant information about users on their networks so that there is a chance of better and smoother engagement.

LinkedIn Profile Pages Get a Facelift to Support Better Networking and Engagement!

In a nutshell, this is what the new profile will let users do:

Edit their profiles inlineUpload good quality photosArrange the content presentation on their profile as per their sensibilities and preferences

Have the ability to like or comment on anything (like an article) someone has shared

LinkedIn has made engagement easier, as they said, “We’ve also made it easier to see what your network is up to and to engage with them. Recent activity is now on the top of the profile, allowing you to stay current with what your network has been sharing and doing.” The other changes made to the profile include:

New design provides a better summary of user’s work and education right at the top of the profileGraphics and info on the page’s right side about mutual contacts with the user or similar people like the user

The news “stream” of the home page has been upgraded to ensure more relevant & highly customized content- users can see what the people in their groups have been doing more

LinkedIn has also introduced a new feature called the “Influencers” content, in which users can find and follow celebrities like Barack Obama and the like. So if one person follows, everybody in his stream sees the same and can follow them too. In case you can’t wait to try the new profile, sign up here:

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